
It’s time to stop letting pain and anxiety run your life.

You need tools to you can easily turn to when life gets stressful and the pain is just too much. (like.. daily, right?) Tools that will lessen the pain, lessen the anxiety, and help you to feel more at peace!

There is so much to deal with on a day-to-day basis that you question if you can ever feel truly happy again?

Taking care of everyone else. Worrying what everyone else thinks about you. Making sure you say yes to all of the things so everyone is happy. Not letting anyone down.

It is all just so damn exhausting!

So you ended up here. In pain, tired, overwhelmed, stressed to the max! You aren’t sure how to get out of this rut. You aren’t sure how you can feel better. You believe that this level of pain, stress, + anxiety are just here to stay.

Instead of feeling like you are a hopeless cause, I want you to believe that change is possible. That this level of pain, stress, + anxiety haven’t moved in to stay. That you can feel better and live with peace, ease, + joy.

You owe it to yourself to try. To give yourself the opportunity to feel better. You’re here on this earth to enjoy this life, to find JOY. It’s time to allow for that joy to happen and embrace this opportunity for change!

When we use somatic practices to regulate our nervous system, we can move from dis-ease to ease. This process lessens our anxiety, lessens our pain, and creates more opportunity for peace + joy!

When we are in a dysregulated state, our nervous system is out of whack, causing us to feel this anxiety, overwhelm, and stress. Our body is not able to heal itself and causes all kinds of pain and other illnesses can set in. Using these tools can calm the nervous system and allow for the body to move into “rest & digest" mode. This activates the body’s natural healing functions so you can live your best damn life!



Simple, accessible tools you need to regulate your nervous system + move from dis-ease to ease to lessen your anxiety, lessen your pain, and create more peace + joy!

During this 1-Hour Workshop, you will learn why the mind-body connection matters, how our trapped emotions & past experiences can settle into the body to create all kinds of dis-ease, and tools you can use anytime to move you into a regulated state.

Somatic Client Testimonials

  • "Any stressors I had were gone for that hour and I was able to stretch it out and relax. You can literally feel the negative energy leaving!!"


  • "I really enjoyed Dani’s class. The atmosphere was so relaxing and was definitely a vibe. I always leave feeling relaxed physically, mentally and spiritually."


  • "Dani’s Somatic Yoga creates greater body awareness. And allows you to focus on your own pain and chronically-tight muscles"


  • "When we were done with the session I felt like a weight was lifted off me. Having tools to help me sleep at night was amazing as well. "


Join Us

May 23rd @ Noon CST

Virtual Workshop will be held inside a Facebook Group. You will be invited to the group the day before the event.

Replay and access to the group will be available for 30 days after the event. Looking forward to seeing you there!